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Thank you for your generosity and your willingness to support the ministry of Grace Fellowship Church. You man donate in one of the following ways:
In-Person Giving
Cheques and cash gifts can be offered in-person using our church offering box. Ask a greeter for details. Please note that cash should only be given in a worship service (do not send cash through the mail).
By Mail
Cheques can be mailed to the address listed below. Please make out all cheques to Grace Fellowship Church Edmonton.
Mailing Address:
Grace Fellowship Church Edmonton
9333 50 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6B 2L5
To donate by e-transfer, please contact us at
Online Giving
To arrange for one-time or recurring donations through your banking provider or credit card, please use the online giving form on this page. Please note that fees are less for pre-authorized debit.
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